DON’T MISS ME MORE, by Donna Ashworth, from ‘LOSS’

2024 July 25

Created by Sirin one month ago
Don’t miss me more than once a day,
For life is moving fast.
Don’t wish all of your time away,
Dreaming of the past.
Don’t waste the moment looking at,
The things I left behind me.
I’m not within those walls or boxes
The heart is where you’ll find me.
Don’t dread to say my name, sweet one,
Don’t fear the wrath of sadness.
Just take the love you had for me,
And turn it into gladness.
Don’t worry when my birthday comes
Don’t feel me missing more.
I’m filled with love you’re sending me,
Just as I was before.
Some days your anger will rush out,
Your tears will find their way.
To me, wherever I am then.
I’ll soothe them all away.
When I am gone don’t miss me more,
Than once, or twice a day.
There’s so much life to live, my love.
I’m with you, all the way.