From ‘The Right Words’ , by Donna Ashworth

2024 July 25

Created by Sirin one month ago
Whatever makes you glad to be alive,
do that,
whenever you can.

Whatever gives your soul that lift and elevates you to a level of harmony, peace and contentment, chase it and grab it tight.

Stop seeing your life as a chore to be dealt with everyday and start searching for gaps to put in blissful moments of joy.

Nobody said life had to be this hard. 
Nobody made you sign up for a daily grind so punishing you couldn’t find the energy to do what makes you HAPPY.

This life is short my friend and each of us don’t know how long we have, so let’s not waste another moment of another day feeling like a prop in our own show.

We are the stars.
We are the show.
Get out there and love your life and if you can’t, make it more loveable. 
Change things around. It’s your life.
Do whatever you need to do to get any kind of good feeling, every day.
And start now,
right this minute.

The future is promised to no one, what are you waiting for?